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set -ev
# Only potentially push to CocoaPods when it's a tagged build
if [ -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; then
echo -e "\nBuild is not tagged"
exit 0
# Make sure tag name looks like a version number
if ! [[ $TRAVIS_TAG =~ ^[0-9\.]+(\-beta[0-9]*)?$ ]]; then
echo -e "\nBranch build not a valid version number: $TRAVIS_TAG"
exit 1
echo -e "\nTag looks like a version number: $TRAVIS_TAG"
# Skip tests because they're assumed to have passed during the cocoapod-validate script or else
2022-04-18 06:14:03 +02:00
# this script wouldn't run. Allow warnings, because prior validation doesn't, and it patches
# around the one warning in the UnRAR library I can't silence
echo -e "\nLinting podspec..."
pod spec lint --fail-fast --skip-tests --allow-warnings
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\nPodspec failed lint. Run again with --verbose to troubleshoot"
exit 1
echo -e "\nExporting Carthage archive...\n"
# Exports ARCHIVE_PATH, used below
source ./Scripts/archive-carthage.sh
# Skip tests and allow warnings for reasons stated above
echo -e "\nPushing to CocoaPods...\n"
pod trunk push --skip-tests --allow-warnings
# If push is successful, add release to GitHub
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\nPush to CocoaPods failed"
exit 1
RELEASE_NOTES=$(./Scripts/get-release-notes.py "$TRAVIS_TAG")