# QuietUnrar (or QuietUnarchiver or QuietDecompressor)
Small app for quietly unarchiving rar, zip and lzma files. No windows on the screen unless there is an issue (bad CRC, requires password, missing volume)
Optionally show progress on Dock Icon or Status Bar (for larger files)
Optionally show a notification on completion (with action button to open finder in that folder)
* investigate why memory keeps increasing if QuietUnarchiver is kept open but decompresses more files. Ran intruments but nothing listed as leaking or zombied.
* Compiler Warning: Lexical or Preprocessor issue "_UNIX macro redefined"
/Users/tarasis/Programming/Projects/QuietUnrar/TDNUnarchiver.m:12:9: In file included from /Users/tarasis/Programming/Projects/QuietUnrar/TDNUnarchiver.m:12:
/Users/tarasis/Programming/Projects/QuietUnrar/Carthage/Build/Mac/UnrarKit.framework/Versions/A/Headers/UnrarKit.h:18:9: In file included from /Users/tarasis/Programming/Projects/QuietUnrar/Carthage/Build/Mac/UnrarKit.framework/Headers/UnrarKit.h:18:
/Users/tarasis/Programming/Projects/QuietUnrar/Carthage/Build/Mac/UnrarKit.framework/Versions/A/Headers/URKArchive.h:12:9: In file included from /Users/tarasis/Programming/Projects/QuietUnrar/Carthage/Build/Mac/UnrarKit.framework/Headers/URKArchive.h:12:
* DockProgress - https://github.com/sindresorhus/DockProgress (need to check out the whole Swift / Objective-C briding thing, don't remember any of that now)
* FSUserDefaults - https://github.com/cfloisand/FSUserDefaults (gist at https://gist.github.com/cfloisand/ba9eb5b661a7dda494bb45f28cdb7e0a and https://christianfloisand.wordpress.com/2018/03/25/improving-userdefaults-in-swift-with-key-value-observing/)
In the off chance I forget how to readd / redo a pre-compiled header (I shouldn't but 🤷♂️) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24158648/why-isnt-projectname-prefix-pch-created-automatically-in-xcode-6
1) Add new PCH file to the project: New file > Other > PCH file.
2) At the Target's Build Settings option, set the value of Prefix Header to your PCH file name, with the project name as prefix (i.e. for project named TestProject and PCH file named MyPrefixHeaderFile, add the value TestProject/MyPrefixHeaderFile.pch to the plist).
TIP: You can use things like $(SRCROOT) or $(PROJECT_DIR) to get to the path of where you put the .pch in the project.
3) At the Target's Build Settings option, set the value of Precompile Prefix Header to YES