whitelist_rules: - anyobject_protocol - array_init - attributes - block_based_kvo - class_delegate_protocol - closing_brace - closure_end_indentation - closure_parameter_position - closure_spacing - collection_alignment - colon - comma - compiler_protocol_init - conditional_returns_on_newline - contains_over_filter_count - contains_over_filter_is_empty - contains_over_first_not_nil - contains_over_range_nil_comparison - control_statement - custom_rules - deployment_target - discarded_notification_center_observer - discouraged_direct_init - discouraged_object_literal - discouraged_optional_boolean - discouraged_optional_collection - duplicate_enum_cases - duplicate_imports - dynamic_inline - empty_collection_literal - empty_count - empty_enum_arguments - empty_parameters - empty_parentheses_with_trailing_closure - empty_string - empty_xctest_method - enum_case_associated_value_count - explicit_init - fallthrough - fatal_error_message - first_where - flatmap_over_map_reduce - for_where - generic_type_name - identical_operands - identifier_name - implicit_getter - implicit_return - inert_defer - is_disjoint - joined_default_parameter - last_where - leading_whitespace - legacy_cggeometry_functions - legacy_constant - legacy_constructor - legacy_hashing - legacy_multiple - legacy_nsgeometry_functions - legacy_random - literal_expression_end_indentation - lower_acl_than_parent - mark - modifier_order - multiline_arguments - multiline_function_chains - multiline_literal_brackets - multiline_parameters - multiline_parameters_brackets - nimble_operator - no_extension_access_modifier - no_fallthrough_only - no_space_in_method_call - notification_center_detachment - nsobject_prefer_isequal - number_separator - object_literal - opening_brace - operator_usage_whitespace - operator_whitespace - orphaned_doc_comment - overridden_super_call - prefer_self_type_over_type_of_self - private_action - private_outlet - private_unit_test - prohibited_super_call - protocol_property_accessors_order - reduce_boolean - reduce_into - redundant_discardable_let - redundant_nil_coalescing - redundant_objc_attribute - redundant_optional_initialization - redundant_set_access_control - redundant_string_enum_value - redundant_type_annotation - redundant_void_return - required_enum_case - return_arrow_whitespace - shorthand_operator - sorted_first_last - statement_position - static_operator - strong_iboutlet - superfluous_disable_command - switch_case_alignment - switch_case_on_newline - syntactic_sugar - toggle_bool - trailing_closure - trailing_comma - trailing_newline - trailing_semicolon - trailing_whitespace - unavailable_function - unneeded_break_in_switch - unneeded_parentheses_in_closure_argument - unowned_variable_capture - untyped_error_in_catch - unused_closure_parameter - unused_control_flow_label - unused_enumerated - unused_optional_binding - unused_setter_value - valid_ibinspectable - vertical_parameter_alignment - vertical_parameter_alignment_on_call - vertical_whitespace_closing_braces - vertical_whitespace_opening_braces - void_return - weak_delegate - xct_specific_matcher - xctfail_message - yoda_condition analyzer_rules: - unused_declaration - unused_import force_cast: warning force_unwrapping: warning number_separator: minimum_length: 5 object_literal: image_literal: false discouraged_object_literal: color_literal: false identifier_name: max_length: warning: 100 error: 100 min_length: warning: 2 error: 2 validates_start_with_lowercase: false allowed_symbols: - '_' excluded: - 'x' - 'y' - 'a' - 'b' - 'x1' - 'x2' - 'y1' - 'y2' deployment_target: macOS_deployment_target: '10.12' custom_rules: no_nsrect: regex: '\bNSRect\b' match_kinds: typeidentifier message: 'Use CGRect instead of NSRect' no_nssize: regex: '\bNSSize\b' match_kinds: typeidentifier message: 'Use CGSize instead of NSSize' no_nspoint: regex: '\bNSPoint\b' match_kinds: typeidentifier message: 'Use CGPoint instead of NSPoint'