version: 2.1 executors: my-xcode: macos: xcode: 12.0.1 workflows: version: 2 test-validate-release: jobs: # Testing - test-Mac - test-iOS - test-ExampleApp # Validation - validate-CocoaPods: requires: - test-Mac - test-iOS - test-ExampleApp - validate-Carthage: requires: - test-Mac - test-iOS - test-ExampleApp # Release # - release: # # Only run for tags # filters: # branches: # ignore: /.*/ # tags: # only: /.*/ # requires: # - validate-CocoaPods # - validate-Carthage jobs: test-Mac: executor: my-xcode steps: - checkout # The CLANG arguments and find command fail the build on analyzer errors - run: xcodebuild -workspace UnrarKit.xcworkspace -scheme UnrarKit -sdk macosx -configuration Release -quiet analyze test CLANG_ANALYZER_OUTPUT=html CLANG_ANALYZER_OUTPUT_DIR=analyzer-output && [[ -z `find analyzer-output -name "*.html"` ]] test-iOS: executor: my-xcode steps: - checkout # The CLANG arguments and find command fail the build on analyzer errors - run: xcodebuild -workspace UnrarKit.xcworkspace -scheme UnrarKit -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=latest' -configuration Release analyze test CLANG_ANALYZER_OUTPUT=html CLANG_ANALYZER_OUTPUT_DIR=analyzer-output && [[ -z `find analyzer-output -name "*.html"` ]] test-ExampleApp: executor: my-xcode steps: - checkout # The CLANG arguments and find command fail the build on analyzer errors - run: xcodebuild -workspace UnrarKit.xcworkspace -scheme UnrarExample -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Release analyze CLANG_ANALYZER_OUTPUT=html CLANG_ANALYZER_OUTPUT_DIR=analyzer-output && [[ -z `find analyzer-output -name "*.html"` ]] validate-CocoaPods: executor: my-xcode steps: - checkout - run: ./Scripts/ validate-Carthage: executor: my-xcode steps: - checkout - run: ./Scripts/ # release: # executor: my-xcode # steps: # - checkout # - run: ./Scripts/