#!/bin/bash REPO="github \"$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG\"" COMMIT=$TRAVIS_COMMIT if [ -z ${TRAVIS+x} ]; then REPO="git \"`pwd`\"" COMMIT=`git log -1 --oneline | cut -f1 -d' '` TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR="/Users/Dov/Source Code/UnzipKit" echo "Not running in Travis. Setting REPO ($REPO) and COMMIT ($COMMIT)" fi if [ -n "$TRAVIS" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then REPO="github \"$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG\"" COMMIT=$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA echo "Build is for a Pull Request. Overriding REPO ($REPO) and COMMIT ($COMMIT)" fi if [ ! -d "CarthageValidation" ]; then mkdir "CarthageValidation" fi brew install carthage rm UnzipKitDemo/Cartfile rm UnzipKitDemo/Cartfile.resolved rm -rf UnzipKitDemo/Carthage echo "$REPO \"$COMMIT\"" > UnzipKitDemo/Cartfile pushd UnzipKitDemo > /dev/null carthage bootstrap --configuration Debug --verbose EXIT_CODE=$? echo "Checking for build products..." if [ ! -d "Carthage/Build/Mac/UnzipKit.framework" ]; then echo "No Mac library built" EXIT_CODE=1 fi if [ ! -d "Carthage/Build/iOS/UnzipKit.framework" ]; then echo "No iOS library built" EXIT_CODE=1 fi popd > /dev/null exit $EXIT_CODE