// Typically we use the same global thread pool for all RAR modules. static ThreadPool *GlobalPool=NULL; static uint GlobalPoolUseCount=0; static inline bool CriticalSectionCreate(CRITSECT_HANDLE *CritSection) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL InitializeCriticalSection(CritSection); return true; #elif defined(_UNIX) return pthread_mutex_init(CritSection,NULL)==0; #endif } static inline void CriticalSectionDelete(CRITSECT_HANDLE *CritSection) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL DeleteCriticalSection(CritSection); #elif defined(_UNIX) pthread_mutex_destroy(CritSection); #endif } static inline void CriticalSectionStart(CRITSECT_HANDLE *CritSection) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL EnterCriticalSection(CritSection); #elif defined(_UNIX) pthread_mutex_lock(CritSection); #endif } static inline void CriticalSectionEnd(CRITSECT_HANDLE *CritSection) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL LeaveCriticalSection(CritSection); #elif defined(_UNIX) pthread_mutex_unlock(CritSection); #endif } static struct GlobalPoolCreateSync { CRITSECT_HANDLE CritSection; GlobalPoolCreateSync() { CriticalSectionCreate(&CritSection); } ~GlobalPoolCreateSync() { CriticalSectionDelete(&CritSection); } } PoolCreateSync; ThreadPool* CreateThreadPool() { CriticalSectionStart(&PoolCreateSync.CritSection); if (GlobalPoolUseCount++ == 0) GlobalPool=new ThreadPool(MaxPoolThreads); // We use a simple thread pool, which does not allow to add tasks from // different functions and threads in the same time. It is ok for RAR, // but UnRAR.dll can be used in multithreaded environment. So if one of // threads requests a copy of global pool and another copy is already // in use, we create and return a new pool instead of existing global. if (GlobalPoolUseCount > 1) { ThreadPool *Pool = new ThreadPool(MaxPoolThreads); CriticalSectionEnd(&PoolCreateSync.CritSection); return Pool; } CriticalSectionEnd(&PoolCreateSync.CritSection); return GlobalPool; } void DestroyThreadPool(ThreadPool *Pool) { if (Pool!=NULL) { CriticalSectionStart(&PoolCreateSync.CritSection); if (Pool==GlobalPool && GlobalPoolUseCount > 0 && --GlobalPoolUseCount == 0) delete GlobalPool; // To correctly work in multithreaded environment UnRAR.dll creates // new pools if global pool is already in use. We delete such pools here. if (Pool!=GlobalPool) delete Pool; CriticalSectionEnd(&PoolCreateSync.CritSection); } } static THREAD_HANDLE ThreadCreate(NATIVE_THREAD_PTR Proc,void *Data) { #ifdef _UNIX /* pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); */ pthread_t pt; int Code=pthread_create(&pt,NULL/*&attr*/,Proc,Data); if (Code!=0) { wchar Msg[100]; swprintf(Msg,ASIZE(Msg),L"\npthread_create failed, code %d\n",Code); ErrHandler.GeneralErrMsg(Msg); ErrHandler.SysErrMsg(); ErrHandler.Exit(RARX_FATAL); } return pt; #else DWORD ThreadId; HANDLE hThread=CreateThread(NULL,0x10000,Proc,Data,0,&ThreadId); if (hThread==NULL) { ErrHandler.GeneralErrMsg(L"CreateThread failed"); ErrHandler.SysErrMsg(); ErrHandler.Exit(RARX_FATAL); } return hThread; #endif } static void ThreadClose(THREAD_HANDLE hThread) { #ifdef _UNIX pthread_join(hThread,NULL); #else CloseHandle(hThread); #endif } #ifdef _WIN_ALL static void CWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE hHandle) { DWORD rc=WaitForSingleObject(hHandle,INFINITE); if (rc==WAIT_FAILED) { ErrHandler.GeneralErrMsg(L"\nWaitForMultipleObjects error %d, GetLastError %d",rc,GetLastError()); ErrHandler.Exit(RARX_FATAL); } } #endif #ifdef _UNIX static void cpthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { int rc=pthread_cond_wait(cond,mutex); if (rc!=0) { ErrHandler.GeneralErrMsg(L"\npthread_cond_wait error %d",rc); ErrHandler.Exit(RARX_FATAL); } } #endif uint GetNumberOfCPU() { #ifndef RAR_SMP return 1; #else #ifdef _UNIX #ifdef _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN uint Count=(uint)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); return Count<1 ? 1:Count; #elif defined(_APPLE) uint Count; size_t Size=sizeof(Count); return sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu",&Count,&Size,NULL,0)==0 ? Count:1; #endif #else // !_UNIX DWORD_PTR ProcessMask; DWORD_PTR SystemMask; if (!GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(),&ProcessMask,&SystemMask)) return 1; uint Count=0; for (DWORD_PTR Mask=1;Mask!=0;Mask<<=1) if ((ProcessMask & Mask)!=0) Count++; return Count<1 ? 1:Count; #endif #endif // RAR_SMP } uint GetNumberOfThreads() { uint NumCPU=GetNumberOfCPU(); if (NumCPU<1) return 1; if (NumCPU>MaxPoolThreads) return MaxPoolThreads; return NumCPU; }