some more notes

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Robert McGovern 2020-09-09 00:52:09 +01:00
parent 2aa0935fa7
commit ffae93aedd
1 changed files with 12 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -50,4 +50,15 @@ Final steps:
Add JS error checking on submit button (valid email address, and error on submit on an empty field (although my preference really is disable the button if nothing is in the field))
An error will trigger a text line to appear in red
And change the border color of the input email field to red.
Hover States for Social Buttons (flip colors)
Hover States for Social Buttons (flip colors)
Attempted to use hover state to change the background of the fa-stack but it wasn't triggering. Could only change the color of the item at the top of the stack (i.e the social icon)
Learnt you can change css of other elemnts when hovering over a different one ... sorta. Has to be a child you are changing,
* when screen not tall enough social buttons and copyright pushed up the page because I clamped them to the bottom of the browser window, rather than the page.
* because I used attacked circles I can't just change the background to blue for hover. Need to either sub in a filled circle on hover OR swap to manually creating the circle
* transitions sizes between 600 and about 800 look wrong / bad / odd
To Research:
* Dynamic font sizing to look nicer transitioning up.