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  <title>Frontend Mentor | Equalizer landing page</title>


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      <h1 class="intro-section__header">We make your music sound extraordinary.</h1>

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        A system audio equalizer specifically designed for Android and iOS. Freely tune the
        way your music sounds with a professional grade parametric EQ & volume mixer. Control
        bass, mids, treble, gain control, reverb, and more!

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      <img class="product-card__image" src="assets/illustration-app.png" alt="Image of the Equalizer in use"
      <h2 class="product-card__header">Premium EQ</h2>

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        Get expert-level control with a robust equalizer, volume mixer, and spatial audio. Take
        your listening experience to a whole new level and access all our incredible features!

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        <span class="price-block__price">$4</span> <span class="price-block__term">/ month</span>

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          iOS Download</a>
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          Android Download</a>

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      All rights reserved © Equalizer 2021<br />
      Have any problems? Contact us via social media or email us at <span

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