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  <title>Frontend Mentor | Article preview component</title>


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            <h1 class="articleTitle">
              Shift the overall look and feel by adding these wonderful 
              touches to furniture in your home
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              Ever been in a room and felt like something was missing? Perhaps 
              it felt slightly bare and uninviting. I’ve got some simple tips 
              to help you make any room feel complete.        
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              <p class="authorName">Michelle Appleton</p>
              <p class="articleDate">28 Jun 2020</p>
            <!-- look up what to do with this. I know I've seen it. What it there for screenreader, but off the side of the screen -->
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    Challenge by <a href="https://www.frontendmentor.io?ref=challenge" target="_blank">Frontend Mentor</a>. 
    Coded by <a href="emailto:work@tarasis.net">Robert McGovern</a>.