Next challenge started 12th Sept 2020 As usual copy files into place and commit. Checked size of the design images: 1440x800 and 375x870 Set up the style.css to have the base things listed in the style guide (font, colors, font size), and add style.css to index.html Looking at the designs, I see it as Flex, with 2 rows in a column. On the desktop, the 2nd row, is a row of 2 items, on mobile the 2nd row becomes as column of 2 items. Otherwise there doesn't seem to be any obvious/glaring differences between the 2 designs. Sizing seems largely the same, as does positioning of everything inside their respective boxes. Set-up the HTML into `div`s to match what I think are the distinct sections. Absolutely need to change some of the names, but I can't think of better descriptors at the moment. (seriously ... "sellBlurb" 🙄) Aside: Would love something to take all the classes I define in the html file and put them into the css file ... *quick google later* Oooooh. Such a thing does exist ... lets see how well that works.