
415 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const fs = require("fs-extra");
const sass = require("sass");
const { promisify } = require("util");
const sassRender = promisify(sass.render);
const postcss = require("postcss");
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
const markdownIt = require("markdown-it");
const markdownItRenderer = new markdownIt();
const markdownItAnchor = require("markdown-it-anchor");
// const relativeUrl = require("eleventy-filter-relative-url");
const pluginTOC = require("eleventy-plugin-toc");
const moment = require("moment");
const description = require("eleventy-plugin-description");
const pluginRss = require("@11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss");
const UpgradeHelper = require("@11ty/eleventy-upgrade-help");
const xmlFiltersPlugin = require("eleventy-xml-plugin");
const inspect = require("node:util").inspect;
// relativeURL
const path = require("path");
const urlFilter = require("@11ty/eleventy/src/Filters/Url");
const indexify = (url) => url.replace(/(\/[^.]*)$/, "$1index.html");
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
let pathPrefix = "/";
//Blog excerpts
// Eleventy Navigation (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/navigation/)
// Eleventy RSS Feed (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/rss/)
// Filter to generate a Table of Contents from page content
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginTOC, {
tags: ["h2", "h3"],
wrapper: "div",
// TODO https://www.npmjs.com/package/eleventy-plugin-meta-generator
// Eleventy Syntax Highlighting (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/syntaxhighlight/)
// Custom Collections
eleventyConfig.addCollection("pages", (collection) =>
eleventyConfig.addCollection("posts", (collection) =>
(item) => item.data.draft !== true && item.date <= new Date()
.map((cur, i, all) => {
cur.data["siblings"] = {
next: all[i - 1],
prev: all[i + 1],
return cur;
eleventyConfig.addCollection("projects", (collection) =>
.sort((a, b) => a.data.weight - b.data.weight)
// eleventyConfig.addCollection("posts", function (collectionApi) {
// return collectionApi.getFilteredByGlob("./src/_posts/**/*.md");
// });
eleventyConfig.addCollection("tags", (collection) => {
let tags = new Set();
collection.getAll().forEach((item) => {
if ("tags" in item.data) {
for (const tag of item.data.tags) {
return [...tags];
// Filters
// eleventyConfig.addFilter("markdownify", (str) => {
// return markdownItRenderer.renderInline(str);
// });
eleventyConfig.addFilter("markdownify", (string) => {
return md.renderInline(string);
eleventyConfig.addNunjucksFilter("markdownify", (str) => md.render(str));
eleventyConfig.addFilter("jsonify", (variable) => JSON.stringify(variable));
eleventyConfig.addFilter("slugify", (str) =>
require("slugify")(str, {
lower: true,
replacement: "-",
remove: /[*+~.·,()''`´%!?¿:@]/g,
eleventyConfig.addFilter("where", (array, key, value) =>
array.filter((item) => {
const keys = key.split(".");
const reducedKey = keys.reduce((object, key) => object[key], item);
return reducedKey === value ? item : false;
eleventyConfig.addFilter("date", (date, format = "") =>
// eleventyConfig.addFilter("absolute_url", relativeURL);
eleventyConfig.addLiquidFilter("toUTCString", (date) => {
const utc = date.toUTCString();
return moment.utc(utc).format("MMMM Do YYYY");
eleventyConfig.addFilter("number_of_words", numberOfWords);
// eleventyConfig.addFilter("absolute_url", relativeUrl);
// eleventyConfig.addShortcode("where_exp", function (item, exp) {
// console.log(exp);
// return eval(exp);
// });
eleventyConfig.addFilter("where_exp", function (value) {
// where_exp function
return value.hidden != true;
eleventyConfig.addFilter("inspect", function (obj = {}) {
return inspect(obj, {sorted: true});
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("archive", "layouts/archive.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("categories", "layouts/categories.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("category", "layouts/category.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("collection", "layouts/collection.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("compress", "layouts/compress.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("default", "layouts/default.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("home", "layouts/home.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("posts", "layouts/posts.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("search", "layouts/search.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("single", "layouts/single.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("splash", "layouts/splash.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("tag", "layouts/tag.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("tags", "layouts/tags.html");
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("gallery", "layouts/gallery");
// Passthrough copy
// don't use .gitignore (allows compiling sass to css into a monitored folder WITHOUT committing it to repo)
//Copy CNAME
// Processing configuration
// eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy({ "src/_sass": "assets/css" });
eleventyConfig.addShortcode("post_url", (collection, slug) => {
try {
if (collection.length < 1) {
throw "Collection appears to be empty";
if (!Array.isArray(collection)) {
throw "Collection is an invalid type - it must be an array!";
if (typeof slug !== "string") {
throw "Slug is an invalid type - it must be a string!";
const found = collection.find((p) => p.fileSlug == slug);
if (found === 0 || found === undefined) {
throw `${slug} not found in specified collection.`;
} else {
return found.url;
} catch (e) {
`RMCG:An error occured while searching for the url to ${slug}. Details:`,
// Set section
// Configure BrowserSync to serve the 404 page for missing files
callbacks: {
ready: (_err, browserSync) => {
const content_404 = fs.readFileSync("dist/404.html");
browserSync.addMiddleware("*", (_req, res) => {
// render the 404 content instead of redirecting
files: "./dist/assets/styles/**/*.css",
// Merge Data (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/data-deep-merge/)
excerpt: true,
eleventyConfig.setLibrary("md", markdownIt().use(markdownItAnchor));
// dynamicPartials: false,
// strictVariables: false,
// strictFilters: false,
jekyllInclude: true,
// Markdown Configuration
const md = require("markdown-it")({
html: true,
breaks: true,
linkify: true,
.use(require("markdown-it-container"), "", {
validate: () => true,
render: (tokens, idx) => {
if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
const classList = tokens[idx].info.trim();
return `<div ${classList && `class="${classList}"`}>`;
} else {
return `</div>`;
// override markdown-it-footnote anchor template to use a different unicode character
md.renderer.rules.footnote_anchor = (tokens, idx, options, env, slf) => {
var id = slf.rules.footnote_anchor_name(tokens, idx, options, env, slf);
if (tokens[idx].meta.subId > 0) {
id += ":" + tokens[idx].meta.subId;
/* ⇑ with escape code to prevent display as Apple Emoji on iOS */
return (
' <a href="#fnref' +
id +
'" class="footnote-backref">\u21d1\uFE0E</a>'
//for upgrade sanity
// eleventyConfig.addWatchTarget("./assets/css/");
// eleventyConfig.addTransform(
// "sass",
// async function sassTransform(content, outputPath) {
// if (outputPath?.endsWith(".css")) {
// const { css } = await sassRender({
// data: content,
// outputStyle: "compressed",
// precision: 3,
// });
// return css;
// }
// return content;
// }
// );
eleventyConfig.addFilter("relative_url", relativeURLALT);
eleventyConfig.addFilter("absolute_url", relativeURLALT);
return {
templateFormats: ["html", "liquid", "md", "njk"],
passthroughFileCopy: true,
dir: {
input: "src",
includes: "_includes",
data: "_data",
output: "dist",
// input: "./", // Equivalent to Jekyll's source property
// output: "./_site", // Equivalent to Jekyll's destination property
function numberOfWords(content) {
return content.split(/\s+/g).length;
function relativeURL(url, pathPrefix = undefined) {
if (pathPrefix !== undefined) {
// Fall back on original url filter if pathPrefix is set.
return urlFilter(url, pathPrefix);
if (pathPrefix == undefined && this.page == undefined) {
return urlFilter(url, "");
// Look up the url of the current rendering page, which is accessible via
// `this`.
//console.log(this); // rmcg
// rmcg - removed ctx from this.ctx.page.url
const currentDir = this.page.url;
const filteredUrl = urlFilter(url, "/");
// Make sure the index.html is expressed.
const indexUrl = indexify(filteredUrl);
// Check that the url doesn't specify a protocol.
const u = new URL(indexUrl, "make-relative://");
if (u.protocol !== "make-relative:") {
// It has a protocol, so just return the filtered URL output.
return filteredUrl;
// Return the relative path, or `index.html` if it's the same as the current
// page's directory.
const relativePath = `${
path.relative(currentDir, u.pathname) || "index.html"
return relativePath;
* Just `{{ '/something' | url }}` will return the relative path to
* `/something/index.html`.
* `{{ '/something.with.dots' | url }}` will return the relative path to
* `/something.with.dots`.
* @param {string} url the URL to transform
* @param {string} [pathPrefix] optional path prefix to force an absolute URL
* @returns {string} resulting URL
function relativeURLALT(url, pathPrefix = undefined) {
pathPrefix = "/";
// console.log(url);
// console.log(pathPrefix);
// console.log(this.page);
if (pathPrefix !== undefined) {
// Fall back on original url filter if pathPrefix is set.
return urlFilter(url, pathPrefix);
if (pathPrefix == undefined && this.page == undefined) {
// console.log("dropping out");
return urlFilter(url, "");
// Look up the url of the current rendering page, which is accessible via
// `this`.
const currentDir = this.page.url;
const filteredUrl = urlFilter(url, "/");
// Make sure the index.html is expressed.
const indexUrl = indexify(filteredUrl);
// Check that the url doesn't specify a protocol.
const u = new URL(indexUrl, "make-relative://");
if (u.protocol !== "make-relative:") {
// It has a protocol, so just return the filtered URL output.
return filteredUrl;
// Return the relative path, or `index.html` if it's the same as the current
// page's directory.
const relativePath = `${
path.relative(currentDir, u.pathname) || "index.html"
return relativePath;