Day 10 updated

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Robert McGovern 2019-06-06 21:56:50 +02:00
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title: Day 10 - A Fountain of Wine
date: 2019-06-06 21:56:40 +0159
tags: [camino,caminodesantiago,jakobsweg]
Day 10 - A fountain of wine
Day 10 of the trip, day 7 of the walk.
Today was Estella to Los Arcos
Slept better than last few nights, although still woke a few times from movement or snoring and insomnia. Gave up trying around 5:40 as a lot of people started to get ready.
I wasnt planning to be out early today as I wanted to see the Wine fountain Ive heard so much about. (Indeed it was the goal of the family with the 4yo & 1yo to get there with there special plastic wine glasses)
It was only a few KM away, and was only supposed to be open from 8am till 8pm, but thankfully it was open with a small crowd when I arrived about 7:30.
Its lovely, and amazing that they give away up to 100l of wine a day. Also nice touch that there is a water fountain too.
Was pleased to bump into Erika & her family there. We walked & talked for a bit, and then she introduced me to a Northern Irish lass who had only just started the Camino. (Apparently she had had the flu which knocked her flat for a couple of weeks, so she rebooked and just started from Estella today.)
We talked for a few KM about all sorts, including schools & teaching (shes a teacher), then I went on ahead.
Bumped into the American dude from yesterday that was out in the rain without a coat. Thankfully hes okay, apparently another Camino Walker (Pepe) saw him after an hour odd walking in the rain and gave him his spare raincoat.
Also briefly bumped into the Japanese couple again today. The lady apologised from mentioning rain gear 2 days ago, as if it somehow brought on the rain :)
Found the walk really tough on my feet today, especially the last 5km. I was basically hobbling that last stretch.
I truly need to replace those shoes, and then leave them along the route in the same way Ive seen others do. (One pair of shoes laced together hung over a distance sign, a single shoe was left on one of the Camino pillars with a rock in it, a sprig of a plant and a couple of other things)
Not sure I can do the full 27km to Logroño tomorrow. Might break it up, although I kinda hate that means not bumping into the few faces Im getting to know.
I know I can do short stint tomorrow, but Id rather be able to do 2 days in Logroño and have them be Fri & Sat, rather than Sat & Sun.
Anyway, stayed at CASA DE LA ABUELA, 12€ rather than the 9€ in what Id read. Not a bad place, but didnt live up to the hype either. Top bed of the bunks are too open for my tastes, ladders are hard to climb. Best bit about the place was that the washing only cost 50c
Wandered around the town for a while, out to the outskirts on the various sides. (So sue me, i like exploring)
Had an early Pilgrims Menu at Bar-Restaurant Buen Camino. Was pretty decent for the 12€, certainly much nicer than the night before! Plus came with way more wine. (And I had a sangria to finish)
After a 90+ minutes, i bumped into the N.I lass again, and chatted about how wed found the rest of the walk and about lightening our bags.
The Catholic Church is absolutely stunning inside. You wouldnt imagine something so ornate & beautiful for a town of 1200.
Had a little wander out to where we entered Los Arcos and sat for a bit, it was lovely out there listening to the birds (and the chickens & goats in the pen nearby).
Bumped into a slightly tipsy Erika who had had a couple of beers (4) :)
Anyway, time to sleep. I know I missed a couple of things, but Ive probably put anyone reading this to sleep now.
Buen Camino!