# Ignore folders generated by Bundler #vendor .bundle # Ignore folders generated by Jekyll .sass-cache _site .jekyll-cache .jekyll-metadata **/*/premdesigns # ---> Eleventy #_site #package-lock.json css/main.css.map # dependency directories node_modules/ # config .env* # caches .cache .sass-cache/ # eleventy gulp build /dist *.log npm-debug.* *.scssc *.swp Thumbs.db dist src/_includes/css # my chosen output directory. www #### From FrontEnd Mentor gitignore. Just to avoid accidentally uploading design files # # Avoid accidental upload of the Sketch and Figma design files ##################################################### ## Please do not remove lines 5 and 6 - thanks! 🙂 ## ##################################################### *.sketch *.fig # Avoid accidental XD upload if you convert the design file ############################################### ## Please do not remove line 12 - thanks! 🙂 ## ############################################### *.xd .prettierignore # ---> macOS # General .DS_Store .AppleDouble .LSOverride # Icon must end with two \r Icon # Thumbnails ._* # Files that might appear in the root of a volume .DocumentRevisions-V100 .fseventsd .Spotlight-V100 .TemporaryItems .Trashes .VolumeIcon.icns .com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share .AppleDB .AppleDesktop Network Trash Folder Temporary Items .apdisk # build output dist/ # generated types .astro/ # dependencies node_modules/ # logs npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* pnpm-debug.log* # environment variables .env .env.production # macOS-specific files .DS_Store # jetbrains setting folder .idea/