--- layout: single title: About permalink: /about/ --- # Me Personal blog of Robert McGovern, I'm principally a stay at home dad. Also a wannabe Mac & iOS developer, programmer, sys-admin, tech editor, book reviewer & writer. I can be found many places online, mostly with the username **tarasis**, but also **duemoko**. Links can be found in the sidebar, although they'll likely move here in the future :) # Site Site is built with Jekyll, using the [Minimal Mistakes](https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/) theme. Tweaks by [Jun](jun711.github.io) to add support for the [rainbow progress bar](https://jun711.github.io/web/add-scroll-progress-bar-to-a-website-to-indicate-read-progress/) and the [scroll to top](https://jun711.github.io/web/adding-scroll-to-top-button-to-a-website/) button. There are custom tweaks to the CSS used in the Neon theme provided by Minimal Mistakes, both for general site appearance but also to the syntax highlighting.