
4.4 KiB



  • Added support for NSProgress and NSProgressReporting in all extraction and iteration methods (Issue #34)
  • Added enhanced support for multivolume archives (PRs #59, #38 - Thanks to @aonez for the idea and implementation!)
  • Added methods for checking data integrity of archived files (Issue #26, PR #61 - Thanks to @amosavian for the suggestion!)
  • Added new method -iterateFileInfo:error: that takes a block, allowing for lazy iteration of file info, without building up an in-memory array (Issue #73 - Thanks to @yanex for the suggestion!)
  • Added detailed logging using new unified logging framework. See the readme for more details (Issue #35)
  • Added localized details to returned NSError objects (Issue #45)
  • Fixed bug when listing file info for multivolume archive that resulted in duplicate items (Issue #67 - Thanks to @skito for catching this)
  • Moved unrar sources into a static library, and addressed a wide variety of warnings exposed by the -Weverything flag (Issue #56)
  • Upgraded UnRAR library to v5.6.3 (Issue #77)
  • Switched to Travis Build Stages instead of the unofficial Travis-After-All (Issue #42)
  • Added CocoaPods Test Spec, so your test suite can also run UnrarKit's unit tests Issue #44
  • Fixed warnings from Xcode 9 (Issue #51)
  • Removed iOS-specific targets, after allowing macOS framework and unit test bundles to be cross-platform (Issue #55)


Updated to UnRAR library v 5.5.5 (Issue #43 - Thanks to @Jegge for the suggestion!)


  • Add fields for total compressed and uncompressed sizes of archive (Issue #32 - Thanks to @gerchicov-bp for the suggestion!)
  • Upgraded to UnRAR library v5.4.5 (PR #36 - Thanks to @aonez for the suggestion!)
  • Began importing Foundation instead of UIKit or Cocoa in UnrarKit.h (PR #37 - Thanks to @amosavian for the suggestion!)


  • Pushing tagged builds to CocoaPods from Travis
  • Adding release notes to GitHub


Updated to the latest version of the UnRAR library (v5.3.11)


  • Added full support for Carthage (Issue #22)
  • Added annotations for nullability, improving compatibility with Xcode 7 and Swift


Fixed Podspec bug causing build errors when building as a framework with CocoaPods (Issue #28)


Moved off of deprecated xcconfig attribute in podspec (Issue #25)


Improved performance of the -isPasswordProtected method (Issue #24)


Fixed bug in -extractFilesTo:overwrite:progress:error: that would sometimes cause garbage characters in the extracted files' names (Issue #20)


Tweaked isPasswordProtected so it doesn't log an error message when an archive has a header password (Issue #21)


Fixed bug causing validatePassword to return NO for valid passwords in RAR5 archives (Issue #19)


Decreased size of library, by removing large sample archives (Issue #18), and added more information to the readme file


Added methods to detect whether a file is a RAR archive (Issue #17)


  • Full Unicode support (Issue #11)
  • Better support for moving files during a decompression into memory by adding a new block-based method that streams the file (Issue #4)
  • Added pervasive use of new URKFileInfo class, which exposes several metadata fields of each file, rather than relying on passing filenames around (Issue #7 - Thanks, @mmcdole!)
  • Added methods to test whether an archive is password-protected, and to test a given password (Issue #10 - Thanks, @scinfu!)
  • Added progress reporting callbacks to most methods (Issue #6)
  • Added several block-based methods that allow a guarantee of completing successfully, even if a file moves or gets deleted (Issue #5)
  • Now fully thread-safe, even accessing the same archive object on different threads (it will block, instead of crashing)


Added -lc++ to CocoaPods linker flags, so that a .mm file is no longer required for a successful build


Added documentation, full Travis CI integration


Upgraded to unrar library 5.2.1


Fixed bug in NSErrors generated


Fixed major leak of file descriptors, causing clients to run out of file descriptors


Added requires_arc flag to podspec


Fixed an Xcode 6 compilation bug


First release in CocoaPods spec repo


Initial release