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single true true true true Day 17 2019-06-13 23:00:35 +0159

Day 17

So its day 17 of the trip and day 14 of the Camino (day 12 if you take out 2 rest days)

Woke at 6 pretty impressed that I didnt hear the 2 women in the room leave. They were apparently stealth ninjas.

Was out the door for 7am after being handed a banana by the guy looking after breakfast (I didnt have any, just asked for water)

It was again cold today, a measly 6°C, the sky was completely clouded over and there was a mist over the hills. Thankfully there wasnt much wind so it didnt feel quite so cold today compared to yesterday … I wasnt cursing a lack of gloves :)

Heading out of Agés and the walk to/through Atapuerca was very easy going, mostly along the road. If it wasnt so early I could have gone and see the museum on early man.

Heading out of Atapuerca was quite so pleasant. The uphill was a bit rocky and a little unpleasant in the light mist.

However having crossed the top, the sun was breaking through the clouds and lighting the fields below. It looked beautiful. (Photo on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BypZolRCa1f/?igshid=87kdfb82v9vc … still need to sit and figure out adding photos to these posts)

The walk towards Burgos was uneventful, although I was amused that we had to walk away from it for a time.

Was a little puzzled when entering Cardeñuela de Riopico why there was a sign that included a British flag and the text “Local Login”

As I got closer to Burgos I opted for the more scenic route in rather than the traditional path (now through industrial areas).

The scenic path takes you past the bottom of the airport and you can see everything there. I was very puzzled, the only plan I saw was a small private jet, absolutely no other planes and nothing moving. Left me wondering if the place was even open today.

Scenic route was lovely although it felt really long walking straight below Burgos following beside a river. It just seems to go on and on. At one point I was shocked to find I still had 3.8km to go.

Amusingly there is a beach at one point right on to the river, although the water is freezing.

Arrived at Municipal couple of minutes before it opened. Woot

Have a German above me, who has slept above me in 2 other places. Complete chance. Amusing as hell. He finished today.

Discovered I forgot my soap 🧼 in Agés … noooo. It was nice & minty … however I am not going back for it. Dont care how nice it is / was.

Had a dander around the city, although not too far away. Visited a supermarket and then spent 90+ minutes touring the cathedral.

Its stunning inside, and while the audio tour makes some assumptions about that you know what parts of the church are or reliefs, it was worth listening to. I could easily have spent longer in there.

Afterwards I went to have a snack at 100 Montaditos but turned out it was my dinner (lunch and breakfast … sssh now, stop tutting, Ill eat when I feel hungry!)

After that I wandered back to the Albergue to get my washing in and had fully intended to go back out to the pub just a minute away (had rock music, open to 3am most nights, 4am on weekend nights) but ended up not going.

Instead I read a little about tomorrows options. Again not sure how far I go. The book stage is Burgos to Hontanas which is 31.4km, could stop 5km sooner at San Bol, or 5.5km later at San Antón. (Tardajos 11.0km, Rabé 13.0km, Hornillos 20.9km, San Bol 26.5km, Hontanas 31.4km, San Antón 37.0km)

I would like to see the festival in Burgos but it doesnt start to the 15th (its on 15th & 16th) which would mean staying an extra 3 nights which I dont really think is feasible.

For those interested in some numbers, this is the daily km walked for Camino stage and for the day.

You can view but cant change anything. I intend to put the steps in there at some point.
